Monday, April 20, 2015

DCON- Final project

Daniela Mai age 16 from Tualatin High School showing her enthusiasm for the key club pacific northwest convention, or for short DCON. Key club is a volunteer club at schools throughout the world, and once a year more than 2,000 "key clubbers" get together for a convention to share ideas and elect new officers.

The Beautiful City of Seattle where the 2015 DCON was held. 

Rachel Piazza age 17 from Tualatin High School showing her division number 64, the dinosaurs. All the high schools that have key clubs are split up into districts with specific numbers and mascots and are represented at DCON.

A DCON attendee in his division mascot attire watching other key clubbers play an "ice breaker".

"Ice Breakers" consist of games that are social or physically active and are meant to get to know people better and have fun. Ice Breakers are played all the time by key clubbers at any free moment.

At the opening ceremony key clubbers show their division spirit by yelling cheers, blowing horns, and waving light up objects, so that their division may win the honored spirit stick.

Rachel Piazza relaxing in her hotel room after a long day of games, meetings, and official voting's. 

Daniela Mai eating at the Banquet for the closing ceremony of DCON. All the members dress in their best and are served a three course meal.

Daniela and Rachel goofing off after the banquet while the wait for the dance to start.
The Last Dance before all the key clubbers leave to return to their schools and homes as far as Alaska, Canada, or Tualatin High School. 

Spring Flowers